Pay to Participate Info- ROHS
The ROHS Pay to Participate annual fee is as follows:
- $150 full pay for your first sport
- $100 for your second sport
- Free for your third sport (Hockey, Bowling, and Lacrosse not included)
If you receive reduced lunch, the fee is as follows:
- $40 for your first sport
- $25 for your second sport
- Free for your third sport (Hockey, Bowling, and Lacrosse not included)
If you receive free lunch, the fee is waived regardless of how many sports you play.
Payment for pay to participate fees should be paid via credit/debit card using the following link (you must create an account): SchoolPay If you are not able to pay using a credit/debit card, checks can be turned into the Athletic Office. Checks should be made payable to Royal Oak Schools.