Academic Eligibility Policy


Important Information regarding Athletic Eligibility

To be academically eligible to participate in athletics or co-curricular activities, a student shall have successfully passed no less than eighty percent (80%) – 4 out of 5, 5 out of 6, or 6 out of 7 classes in the previous semester, of which at least three classes must be a C- or better. If the student is ineligible based on the previous semester grades or deficiencies over multiple semesters (see below), the student will be ineligible for participation until deficiencies, including incompletes and failures from a previous semester are recovered.

While a student may participate with one “E” or failing semester grade, if the student fails a second class in any subsequent semester, the student will be ineligible to compete until one or more failures are recovered. A failure of a course required for graduation is recovered by successfully completing a pre-approved course (through summer school, evening credit recovery courses, or other pre-approved options) that will replace the failed course. A failure of a course not specifically required for graduation is recovered by successfully completing a pre-approved course in the same category for graduation requirements. At no time may a student who wishes to participate in a covered activity have two unrecovered “E” grades on his or her transcript.

During the period of participation in a credit recovery program, the student must provide Royal Oak High School Administration with a weekly progress report. Said progress report must show significant improvement and progress in all classes in which credit is to be recovered. Failure to meet this requirement will result in immediate ineligibility to participate in athletics and co-curricular activities.

The Athletic Director or designee will check compliance at the end of the first marking period of each semester. If the student is not meeting this standard, the student will be ineligible for competition participation until the standard is met, a period of not less than one calendar week.

Failure to comply: Ineligible to participate for the next semester or until such compliance is fulfilled.