Updated on 08/23/2024
Great news! Raven fans can now watch ROHS sports live on the NFHS Network, from anywhere. Family and friends who are unable to attend our events will never miss another play.
We recently installed two pixellot cameras onsite here at ROHS, one in the main gym and one at our stadium, allowing us to livestream. Therefore, any game or competition occurring at these locations, Freshman through Varsity, can now be watched live as part of an NFHS subscription. This subscription does include away games if those host schools have pixellot cameras within their facilities.
Subscriptions range from $10.99 per month to $69.99 per year. Click here for more details.
* Boys swim will be livestreamed on facebook live, via the "Millar Swimming Facebook Group"
Please contact ROHS Athletic Director Don Watchowski with questions, GORO!